PVRP Music Gives Back

pvrp music cares

PVRP Music Cares 'Cause Artists Raise Spirits

 Help us reach our initial goal of $500 donated to MusiCares!


The music industry can be stressful at times and cause harm to musicians mental health. Help support our musicians by giving to MusiCares today. 

Opt to donate 50¢ upon checkout that PVRP Music will equally match.
Help us, help musicians. 

All profits from the PVRP Music Cares Collection goes toward MusiCares.


MusiCares provides a safety net of critical assistance for music people in times of need. MusiCares' services and resources cover a wide range of financial, medical and personal emergencies, and each case is treated with integrity and confidentiality. MusiCares also focuses the resources and attention of the music industry on human service issues that directly impact the health and welfare of the music community.

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* Check out a list of COVID-19 Related Resources for the Music Industry here.
** Are you a music industry professional effected by COVID-19? Share your story
*** Sell your music, merch, or other artistic designs on shop.pvrpmusic.com - learn more